York College use VMind to support students struggling to function.

“The change we saw was instant and hugely significant”

“York College have been using the technology for only a short period of time; however the impact has been significant”


York College is home to over 7000 students and they offer the broadest range of courses in the region from a cutting edge facility newly built in 2007. York College has an outstanding Ofsted rating and are also ranked as Yorkshire’s No.1 General Further Education College and rated in the top three Colleges in the country for A Levels. As part of their drive for excellence York College have a proactive and extensive Learning Support provision that is focused on providing support to a wide range of students who may need additional help.

How do York College use VMind?

York College has about 400 students who are actively supported by the Learning Support team. The team consists of mentors and specialists that have focused areas of expertise such as autism spectrum disorder, mental health, and ADHD. York College have enabled the Learning Support team access to VMind, they use it both ad hoc when needed or as a planned intervention with students as part of their programme of support. Gemma Thomas is the Learning Support Manager has been championing the use of VMind with the team:

“some students will present as overwhelmed or so anxious that they are struggling to function, VMind is then used to help them to get a place away from reality to calm down"

Student Case Study: Penny*

Penny is an anxious student known to the learning support team. When she feels overwhelmed she will come to learning support to talk through the situation as a way to regulate her emotions. A situation arose relating to her English class where she felt very anxious and panicked. On this occasion her mentor suggested she try VMind. Penny consented and used one of the breathing sessions in VMind. Her mentor noted that the change she saw in Penny was instant and hugely significant. "Penny immediately looked calm and relaxed and there was a noticeable change in her body language"

Afterwards, Penny explained that the headset had really helped and said that it meant that see ‘couldn’t see school’ which made her feel much calmer. Penny now has regular access to the technology and it has been incorporated into her mentoring sessions.

*Names changed for confidentiality.


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